The Faith Compass Podcast
Hey there! Welcome to "The Faith Compass Podcast with Javier," where every episode feels like a heartfelt conversation about finding hope and direction in Scripture. Whether you can only listen for five minutes or settle in for a half-hour, Javier’s insightful reflections will breathe new life into the sacred texts, guiding you to discover deeper meaning and inspiration for your everyday journey.
Here, we’re all about uncovering the hidden beauties and complexities of the Bible. Our goal is to shed fresh light on God’s Word, helping you grow in faith and embrace Scripture as a powerful, transformative force.
Join us for each uplifting episode as we explore the richness of the Bible, breaking it down in a way that’s both relatable and thought-provoking. Let’s walk this path together, expanding our understanding of Scripture through thoughtful discussion and practical insight. We can’t wait to have you with us on this faith adventure!
The Faith Compass Podcast
Purpose Over Popularity: Choosing Faith in a World of Comparisons
What happens when you choose purpose over popularity in a world driven by likes and shares? Join us on Faith Compass, where I recount my own journey through the maze of social media's influence and the all-too-common trap of defining self-worth through comparison. Inspired by Galatians 6:4-5, we explore how to break free from this cycle and embrace the unique path God has crafted for each of us. Through personal anecdotes and spiritual insights, we aim to inspire you to seek a deeper, more fulfilling purpose beyond societal expectations and digital validation.
Let's reshape our understanding of what it means to live out God's purpose every day. It's not about grand gestures, but about faithfulness in the mundane. Hear the poignant story of a listener who found comfort during chemotherapy through our podcast, illustrating the profound impact of small acts of faithfulness. We’ll reflect on biblical figures like Joseph, whose unexpected detours were vital to his purpose, and discuss practical steps to focus on God's plan, like dedicating time to spiritual growth. Together, we affirm our intrinsic worth, rooted in divine love, beyond the superficial metrics of the world.
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For listeners looking to deepen their engagement with the topics discussed, visit our website or check out our devotionals and poetry on Amazon, with all proceeds supporting The New York School of The Bible at Calvary Baptist Church. Stay connected and enriched on your spiritual path with us!
Hey there, everyone. Welcome back to the Faith Compass podcast. I'm your host, javier. I'm so glad you joined me today. One of the things I love most about doing this podcast is connecting with all of you wherever you might be. Maybe you're stuck in traffic on your way to work earbuds and trying to make the most of your commute. Or maybe you're at the gym pushing through those last set of reps. Perhaps you're just taking a quiet moment at home. I'm thankful you chose to spend time with me If you're tuning in for the first time. Thank you so much. I'm excited to welcome you to our community. You've picked a really important episode to join us.
Speaker 1:Here at the Faith Compass Podcast, we do things differently. We're not about surface level spirituality or giving you a list of rules. Instead, we dive deep into real life issues, looking at them through the lens of faith. We keep it real, honest and relatable, because faith isn't just for Sundays, it's for every moment of every day. Now, today's topic is something that's been weighing heavily in my heart for a while, and I have a feeling it might resonate with many of you. We're going to talk about purpose over popularity, living for God in a culture of comparison. Now let that sink in. In a world where our worth seems measured by likes, follows and shares, where success is defined by how many people know your name or how impressive your like looks on Instagram, we're going to challenge that narrative.
Speaker 1:Just this morning, I caught myself doing exactly what we're talking about today. I was scrolling through social media before getting out of bed. I found myself comparing my morning routine to this person who wakes up at 5 am, meditates for an hour, runs 10 miles and smoothie bowl a bowl all before8 am. I felt like I was failing at life because my morning involved hitting snooze or barely remembering that they eat. That's why we need this conversation. We're going to talk about how to stop chasing other people's approval and trying to live up to impossible standards. We're going to dig into what really means to live for god's purpose rather than popularity. And yes, yes, it sounds simple when I say it like that, but let's be honest.
Speaker 1:This is something we all struggle with, whether we admit it or not. Every day, we're bombarded with messages about who we should be. The world has a clear idea about what success, happiness, relationships, even our face should look like. We're constantly being measured against this invisible yardstick of perfection. Spoiler alert None of us measure up, but here's the truth we're never meant to measure up to the world's standards. God has a different measuring stick and his purpose for our lives often look very different from what society tells us we should be chasing.
Speaker 1:Lord, we come to you with grateful hearts for this opportunity to gather together, even through headphones and speakers. We thank you for this time to pause, to reflect and to hear from you, god. We acknowledge that so often we get caught up in the noise of this world, the endless cycle of comparison and the chase for approval. Help us to see ourselves through your eyes today. Help us recognize the lies we believe and the strength you give us for our worth and purpose. Open our hearts and minds to receive your truth. In Jesus' name, we pray Amen.
Speaker 1:Now let's get real for a moment. Think about the last time you fell into that comparison trap. Maybe it was my morning social media scroll or something deeper. Perhaps you were at church. I saw that family that seems to have it all together. You know the one I'm talking about. Their kids are always perfectly behaved, they serve in multiple ministries and they somehow never seem stressed, overwhelmed. Or maybe it was at work watching a colleague get that promotion you were hoping for. Or perhaps it was scrolling through your high school classmates updates, seeing their perfect vacation photos, their dream homes, successful businesses.
Speaker 1:We've all been there, right? That sinking feeling in your stomach, that voice in your head that whispers you're falling behind. Everyone else hasn't figured out, except you. It's like being stuck in a game where the rules keep changing and you're the only one who didn't get the memo. The comparison game is everywhere, more intense than ever ever. Social media has turned our lives into highlight reels and we're constantly exposed to carefully curated versions of other people's lives. But it's not just online. We compare our careers, relationships, spiritual lives, even our struggles. Sometimes we even compare how well we're doing at not comparing ourselves. Isn't that ironic? You know what's fascinating about this comparison trap? It's not a new problem. People have been struggling with this since forever, but there's something particularly challenging about facing it in today's digital age. The problem is that comparison doesn't just distract us. It derails us from God's purpose for our lives. It's like trying to drive while constantly looking in your rearview mirror. Eventually, you're going to crash.
Speaker 1:Last month, I was working on the Faithful Geek podcast. I had this vision, but then I made the mistake of looking up a similar podcast and my simple plan seemed inadequate. I started adding extra elements, trying to match bigger podcasts. You know what happened? The whole thing became so complicated and overwhelming I almost lost sight of the original purpose Connecting with people and helping them grow in their faith. That's my purpose of all my podcasts. So this is exactly what scripture warns us about.
Speaker 1:In Galatians 6, 4 through5,. Paul gives us this incredible wisdom Let each one test his own work, and then his reasons to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor, for each will have to bear his own load. You know what I love about this verse? Paul's basically saying stay in your lane. He's telling us to focus on what God has given us to do, not what he's given someone else to do. Think about it like this Imagine you're an artist and God has given you watercolors to paint with, but instead of developing your watercolor skills, you spend all your time wishing you had oil paints. Like the artist next door, you're so focused on not having oil paints that you never discover the beautiful things you could create with watercolors. That's what comparison does. It blinds us to unique gifts and opportunities God has given us.
Speaker 1:Comparison isn't just a distraction. It's actually harmful to our spiritual and emotional well-being. Proverbs 14 30 puts it perfectly a tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot. When we live in constant comparison and envy, it's like we're experiencing spiritual and emotional decay. When we're caught in the comparison trap, we experience three major losses. First, we lose our peace. Instead of resting in God's purpose for our lives, we're constantly agitated, looking over our shoulder to see how we measure up. Second, we lose our joy. It's impossible to be truly grateful for what God has given us when we're obsessed with what he's given others. Third, we lose our effectiveness. We can't fulfill our purpose when we're trying to fulfill someone else's.
Speaker 1:Now let's talk about something that goes hand in hand with comparison our desperate need for approval. We're looking in an age where validation is just a post away, but somehow we're more insecure than ever. These moments, when you post something on social media and keep checking back every few minutes to see how many likes you've gotten, or when you say something in a meeting and spend the rest of the day analyzing how people responded, maybe you find yourself changing your opinion, your appearance or even your beliefs to fit in with this group. We've all been there. When I started this podcast, I was so concerned about the download numbers, the reviews, the feedback. I would obsess with every statistic, comparing my numbers to other Christian podcasts. It nearly killed my passion for this ministry. Instead of sharing what God put in my heart, I was trying to crack some kind of popularity code.
Speaker 1:Now this need for approval. It's like quicksand the more we struggle to find it, the deeper we sink. Social media has taken this to a whole new level. Every post becomes a referendum on our worth. Every photo is a bid for validation. Every comment is a chance for affirmation or rejection. We've turned our lives into a constant performance, always on stage, always being judged.
Speaker 1:Here's what Paul says in Galatians 1.10. For am I now seeking the approval of man or of God, or am I trying to please man? If I was still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. Wow, that really hits hard. Let that sink in for a moment. Paul's making it very clear we can't serve both. We can't choose human approval and truly serve God at the same time. It's like trying to fill up a bucket with a hole in the bottom, no matter how many times you like you get, no matter how many compliments, no matter how much validation, it's never enough. Because of human approval it's fleeting. Today's praises becomes tomorrow's expectation. Today's achievement becomes tomorrow's baseline. It's really exhausting. More importantly, it's not what we were created for. But here's the good news. There's another way. When we chose to live for God's approval instead of humans' approval, something amazing happens we find true, lasting freedom.
Speaker 1:God's love isn't based on our performance. It's not something we have to earn or maintain. It's not dependent on how many followers we have or how put together our life. Look, think about that for a minute. The creator of the universe already approves you, not because of anything you've done, but because of who he is and who he created you to be. That's the foundation we need to build our lives on.
Speaker 1:I was talking with a friend recently, a successful business owner. From the outside he has everything the thriving business, the beautiful family, the impressible social media following but then he confided to me that he felt like a fraud. He said if people knew the real me, they wouldn't like what they see. I bet some of you can relate to that feeling. But here's what I told him, what I want to tell you god already knows the real you. He knows your struggles, doubts, failures, and he loves you completely. Not the instagram version of you, not the sunday morning version of you. The real, real you. And his love isn't just acceptance, it's delight.
Speaker 1:In Zephaniah 3.17 tells us that God rejoices over us with singing. Can you imagine that God of the universe singing over you? This brings us to something important Discovering and living out God's purpose for our life. Ephesians 2.10 has become like an anchor for me. It says we are his workmanship, created in christ jesus for good works which god prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. I love this verse because it uses the greek word poema for workmanship. It's where we get our word poem from.
Speaker 1:Think about that your god's poem, his masterpiece, his work of art. Imagine a master potter at his wheel. He's not just randomly throwing clay around. Here's a specific vision for each piece he creates. He knows exactly what he wants it to be. He wants it to what he wants it to become, what purpose it will serve. Now, that's how god created you. You weren't mass produced. Every detail of you was intentionally designed by the creator. Here's what we get tripped up. We think our purpose has to look a certain way. We're waiting for this grand, dramatic calling. We want the burning bush moment, the dramatic vision, the cle as day, divine appointment. Sometimes, yes, god works that way. But more often, purpose shows up in everyday moments of faithfulness. I learned this lesson humbling way A few years ago.
Speaker 1:I was really frustrated because I wasn't making a big enough impact for God. I was serving in other churches and doing this podcast, trying to be faithful. I kept thinking there should be more Trying to be faithful. I kept thinking there should be more. I was looking for the extraordinary. One day I got a message from a listener and we're going to call her Sarah. I don't like to name names of people. Sarah wrote to me and she's been listening to the podcast. During her chemotherapy treatment she said that hearing about God's faithfulness in the ordinary moments helped her find God's presence in her own difficult journey. It wasn't the dramatic impact I've been looking for, but it was exactly where God wanted me to be.
Speaker 1:Purpose isn't always about platform. It's not always about influence or numbers. Sometimes your purpose is being the parent who shows up for the kids, modeling God's love. Sometimes it's being the coworker who brings kindness and integrity to a tough workplace. Sometimes it's being the friend who's willing to sit in silence with someone who's hurting. And Luke 16 10 tells us, one who is faithful in very little is also faithful in much. I used to think this verse was about proving yourself worthy of bigger things. Now I see it differently being faithful in the little things is the bigger thing, because those little moments of faithfulness, they're creating ripples in eternity that we may never see.
Speaker 1:This side of heaven, purpose often looks different in every season of life. Maybe now your purpose is to heal, rest, rebuild. Maybe it's to learn, grow, prepare. Don't despise these seasons. They're just as much a part of God's purpose as the more active, visible seasons. Now I think about Joseph in the Bible. He had this grand vision from God, these dreams about leadership and influence, but before any of that could happen, he spent years in slavery, years in prison. Those weren't wasted years. God was building his character, developing his leadership skills, preparing him for what was to come. Sometimes, what feels like a detour is actually God's direct route to your purpose.
Speaker 1:How do we stay focused on God's purpose when the world is constantly trying to pull us in different directions? I want to share some practical steps that have helped me and I believe they can help you too. First and foremost, we need to prioritize our time with God. This isn't about checking a religious box or following a formula. This is about a relationship. It's about getting to know the heart of the one who created you for purpose. You know how, when you spend a lot of time with someone, you start to pick up their mannerisms, their way of thinking. The same thing happens when we spend time with God. We begin to see things from his perspective. We start to recognize his voice. We become more attuned to his leading. This doesn't have to be complicated. Maybe for you, it's starting your day with 10 minutes of prayer and scripture reading. Maybe it's listening to worship music during your commute. Maybe it's taking a walk and having an honest conversation with God.
Speaker 1:The important thing isn't the format, it's the consistency. You know what's beautiful about living for God's purpose. Instead of popularity, it brings a kind of peace and no amount of social media validation. When we're rooted in who God says we are, we can weather storms of criticism and drought of recognition without losing footing In. Colossians 3.23 tells us to work heartedly as for the Lord and not for men. I love this. It simplifies everything. It doesn't matter if your boss notices your extra effort. It doesn't matter your Instagram post only gets a few likes. It doesn't matter if your ministry seems small compared to others. When you're working for God, everything becomes an act of worship.
Speaker 1:Sometimes we get caught up in trying to make our purpose look Instagram worthy. We want the highlight reel, the success story, we want the dramatic testimony, but real purpose isn't found in the faithful, consistent, sometimes mundane moments of serving God and loving others. Think about Jesus's life. Yes, he had the big moments, the miracles, the transfiguration, the triumphant entry, but he also had countless quiet moments of teaching, healing and showing compassion that weren't recorded. Every moment was purposeful. Whether it made headlines or not, there was a reason for them.
Speaker 1:Now I want to speak to anyone feeling lost or overwhelmed. Maybe you're stuck in a cycle of comparison stealing your joy. Maybe you're exhausted from trying to maintain an image that doesn't feel authentic. Maybe you're questioning your worth because your life doesn't look like everyone else's highlight reels. You are deeply, completely and unconditionally loved by God, not because of what you do, but because of who you are. Your worth isn't measured by your follower count, job title, relationship status or any other metric. Your worth was established at the cross, where Jesus said you were worth dying for.
Speaker 1:If you've been trying to earn approval through your own efforts, today could be the day you experience true freedom. You don't have to perform anymore. Jesus has already done everything necessary to secure your acceptance with God. If you're ready to begin this relationship with Jesus, it's as simple as a prayer. Tell him you're tired of living for this world's approval. Tell him you want to know his love and live for his purpose, and ask him to forgive your sins and be the Lord of your life. He's waiting with you.
Speaker 1:Maybe you're dealing with depression, anxiety or thoughts of self-harm. You're not alone. God is there. Jesus is there. Your life has immense value. Even if you're struggling with thoughts of suicide, please reach out to someone. Please reach out to the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-273-8255 or text 988. There are people trained to help you. And remember, at the Faith Compass, we're not just creating content, we're building a community. If you need prayer, you want to talk about your faith journey or you need someone to listen, reach out to us at thecrossroadcollectedcom or email us at thecrossroadsot at gmailcom.
Speaker 1:Let's close in prayer. Heavenly Father, we come with grateful hearts for this time together. Thank you for the reminder that our worth is found in you, not in the approval of others. Thank you that we don't have to perform. We can come to you just as we are Lord. For anyone listening who feels lost in comparison or trapped in the pursuit of popularity, help them feel your love right now. Help us to break free from the need of human approval and find our security in your unchanging love. In Jesus' name, amen. There's peace in Christ. There's peace in everything you do when you follow God. He gives hope to the hopeless, strength to the weary and direction to those who feel lost. And I want to thank you for joining me today in the Faith Compass Podcast. Every time we come together, I'm reminded of how blessed I am to be part of this community. Your messages, your stories, your testimonies they encourage me more than anything.
Speaker 1:But before you go, I'd love to invite you to subscribe to our podcast if you haven't already. You won't miss any of our episodes. We've got amazing topics and I can't wait to dive in. Follow us on social media on Facebook, instagram, twitter and TikTok All under the faith compass. And also it's all for daily encouragement. You get updates on new episodes. And hey, if today's message resonated, would you consider sharing it with someone who might need to hear it? Sometimes, a simple act of sharing a podcast episode can be exactly what someone needs. They need to hear God's truth in their life. You don't have to have it all figured out, just be willing to take the next step with God. He'll guide you, one day at a time, one moment at a time, until next time, god bless. This is Javier, reminding you to stay rooted in God's truth, keep pursuing his purpose and remember you are loved more than you could imagine. Until next time, god bless, and take care.